List of Works


Op. 1 (3/8/1998): Psalm XIII for soprano and piano | 7′ | Premiered 9/2002 by Patricia Donahue and Myron Silberstein | YouTube

Op. 2 (7/25/2011): Love’s Philosophy (Shelley) for high voice and piano | 2’30” | Premiered 10/25/2011 by Elizabeth Rudolph and Myron Silberstein | YouTube

Op. 3 (8/16/2012): Nocturne for Orchestra | 7′

Op. 4 (3/18/2013): Nocturne for Oboe and Piano | 5′

Op. 5 (8/2/2013): Love Came Down at Christmas (C. Rossetti) for high voice and piano | 2’30” | Premiered 12/15/2013 by Megan Cook and Myron Silberstein

Op. 6 (3/31/2015): This Blue Dark (Chloe Stopa-Hunt) for soprano and piano | 12’30” | Premiered 2/7/2016 by Anne Slovin and Myron Silberstein | YouTube

Op. 7 (7/14/2015): Sonata for Clarinet and Piano | 11’30” | Soundcloud

Op. 8 (9/19/2015): 2 Sandburg Songs for medium voice and piano | 5′ | Premiered 11/2/2015 by Marysa Abbas

Op. 9 (11/17/2015): Nocturne for Flute and String Orchestra | 5′

Op. 10 (12/22/2015): Say Over Again (E. B. Browning) for mixed choir and piano | 4′

Op. 11 (1/13/2016): Elegy No. 1: Requiem (Josephine Stewart) for mezzo-soprano and piano | 3′ | Premiered 5/7/2021 by Madison Marie McIntosh and Gregory Ritchey | YouTube

Op. 12 (3/8/2016): Sonata for E-flat Trumpet and Piano | 11’30” | Soundcloud

Op. 13 (7/24/2016): Sonata No. 1 for Piano | 7’30” | Premiered 4/29/2018 by David Owens

Op. 14 (8/23/2016): Elegy No. 2: Remember (C. Rossetti) for mezzo-soprano and piano | 5′ | YouTube

Op. 15 (12/10/2016): No Life But This (Dickinson; Marlowe; C. Rossetti) for tenor and piano | 9′

Op. 16 (5/31/2017): Sonata No. 1 for Flute and Piano | 14′ | Soundcloud

Op. 17 (6/30/2017): To Mrs. M. B. on Her Birthday (Pope) for medium voice and piano | 7′

Op. 18 (2/7/2018): Clownish Courtship (ed. Mennes and Smith, 1658) for baritone and piano | 1’30”

Op. 19 (3/2/2018): Sonata No. 2 for Piano | 13’30”

Op. 20 (5/14/2018): Prelude and Fugue for Piano | 4′

Op. 21 (10/1/2018): Sonata No. 2 for Flute and Piano | 13′ | Soundcloud

Op. 22 (11/15/2018): Elegy No. 3: When My Number’s Up (Heather Bowlan) for mezzo-soprano and piano | 5′

Op. 23 (4/5/2019): Sonata No. 3 for Piano | 12′

Op. 24 (7/19/2019): Any Moment Lonely (Karen Poppy) for soprano and piano | 12′ | No. 2 premiered 3/2/2022 by Laura Strickling and Daniel Schlosberg and recorded on 40@40 (BRIGHT SHINY THINGS 0185)

Op. 25 (7/25/2019): Where’er You Go (Ruth 1:16-1:17) | 2’30” | Premiered 8/24/2019 by Myron Silberstein

Op. 26 (11/23/2019): Sonata No. 4 for Piano | 11′

Op. 27 (4/6/2020): In That Infinity of Love (Joseph Small) for mixed choir | 2′

Op. 28 (5/8/2020): Leda (H. D.) for soprano and piano | 5′

Op. 29 (5/26/2020): Sonata for Violin and Piano | 13′ | Soundcloud

Op. 30 (7/23/2020): Jortunioca for Piano | 1’30” | YouTube

Op. 31 (8/7/2020): Prayers for Peace for soprano and piano | 13’30” | Nos. 1 and 3 premiered 1/28/2022 by Chelsea Hollow and Taylor Chan | YouTube (#1) | YouTube (#3) and recorded on Cycles of Resistance (AEROCADE AME15)

Op. 31a (7/19/2023): Two Movements from Prayers for Peace for soprano and string quartet | 7″ | premiered 2/27/2024 by Elizabeth Shuman and Kontras Quartet

Op. 32 (10/13/2020): Sonata No. 5 for Piano | 6’30” | Premiered 6/11/2023 by Craig Ketter

Op. 33 (3/1/2021): Un Diálogo con Lorca (Frederico García Lorca, Karen Poppy, Octavio Quintanilla) for soprano, mezzo-soprano, flute, and guitar | 10′

Op. 34 (10/20/2021): That Interdicted Land: 7 Poems by Emily Dickinson for mezzo-soprano and piano | 18′ | No. 6 Premiered 5/7/2021 by Madison Marie McIntosh and Gregory Ritchey | YouTube

Op. 35 (12/17/2021): Transformations for Piano | 6′ | Premiered 6/12/2022 by Craig Ketter

Op. 36 (3/21/2022): What is Penn’d (Anne Bradstreet) for SSAA choir and piano | 4′

Op. 37 (5/27/2022): Four Winter Landscapes for Piano | 6′

Op. 38 (9/7/2022): The Prophetic Pictures (opera) | 47′

Op. 39 (12/22/2022): Four Impromptus for Piano | 8′

Op. 40 (1/24/2023): Two Chorale Preludes for Organ | 6′

Op. 41 (6/14/2023): Sonata No. 3 for Flute and Piano | 17′ Soundcloud

Op. 42 (10/19/2023): Fire From Water (Karen Poppy) for mezzo-soprano and piano | 7′ 

Op. 43 (3/3/2024): Don’t Look: Two Portraits from Antiquity on Original Poems for soprano and piano | 11′ | No. 1 commissioned by the National Association of Teachers of Singing and Cincinnati Song Initiative


All scores available for purchase from the composer



Op. 38 (9/7/2022): The Prophetic Pictures | 47′


Op. 13 (7/24/2016): Sonata No. 1 for Piano | 7’30” | Premiered 4/29/2018 by David Owens

Op. 19 (3/2/2018): Sonata No. 2 for Piano | 13’30”

Op. 20 (5/14/2018): Prelude and Fugue for Piano | 4′

Op. 23 (4/5/2019): Sonata No. 3 for Piano | 12′

Op. 26 (11/23/2019): Sonata No. 4 for Piano | 11′

Op. 30 (7/23/2020): Jortunioca for Piano | 1’30” |  YouTube

Op. 32 (10/13/2020): Sonata No. 5 for Piano | 6’30” | Premiered 6/12/2022 by Craig Ketter

Op. 35 (12/17/2021): Transformations for Piano | 6′ | Premiered 6/12/2022 by Craig Ketter

Op. 37 (5/27/2022): Four Winter Landscapes for Piano | 6′

Op. 39 (12/22/2022): Four Impromptus for Piano | 8′

Op. 40 (1/24/2023): Two Chorale Preludes for Organ | 6′


Op. 1 (3/8/1998): Psalm XIII for soprano and piano | 7′ | Premiered 9/2002 by Patricia Donahue and Myron Silberstein | YouTube

Op. 2 (7/25/2011): Love’s Philosophy (Shelley) for high voice and piano | 2’30” | Premiered 10/25/2011 by Elizabeth Rudolph and Myron Silberstein | YouTube

Op. 5 (8/2/2013): Love Came Down at Christmas (C. Rossetti) for high voice and piano | 2’30” | Premiered 12/15/2013 by Megan Cook and Myron Silberstein

Op. 6 (3/31/2015): This Blue Dark (Chloe Stopa-Hunt) for soprano and piano | 12’30” | Premiered 2/7/2016 by Anne Slovin and Myron Silberstein | YouTube

Op. 8 (9/19/2015): 2 Sandburg Songs for medium voice and piano | 5′ | Premiered 11/2/2015 by Marysa Abbas

Op. 11 (1/13/2016): Elegy No. 1: Requiem (Josephine Stewart) for mezzo-soprano and piano | 3′ | Premiered 5/7/2021 by Madison Marie McIntosh and Gregory Ritchey | YouTube

Op. 14 (8/23/2016): Elegy No. 2: Remember (C. Rossetti) for mezzo-soprano and piano | 5′ | YouTube

Op. 15 (12/10/2016): No Life But This (Dickinson; Marlowe; C. Rossetti) for tenor and piano | 9′

Op. 17 (6/30/2017): To Mrs. M. B. on Her Birthday (Pope) for medium voice and piano | 7′

Op. 18 (2/7/2018): Clownish Courtship (ed. Mennes and Smith, 1658) for baritone and piano | 1’30”

Op. 22 (11/15/2018): Elegy No. 3: When My Number’s Up (Heather Bowlan) for mezzo-soprano and piano | 5′

Op. 24 (7/19/2019): Any Moment Lonely (Karen Poppy) for soprano and piano | 12′ | No. 2 premiered 3/2/2022 by Laura Strickling and Daniel Schlosberg and recorded on 40@40 (BRIGHT SHINY THINGS 0185)

Op. 25 (7/25/2019): Where’er You Go (Ruth 1:16-1:17) | 2’30” | Premiered 8/24/2019 by Myron Silberstein

Op. 28 (5/8/2020): Leda (H. D.) for soprano and piano | 5′

Op. 31 (8/7/2020): Prayers for Peace for soprano and piano | 13’30” | Nos. 1 and 3 premiered 1/28/2022 by Chelsea Hollow and Taylor Chan | YouTube (#1) | YouTube (#3) and recorded on Cycles of Resistance (AEROCADE AME15)

Op. 31a (7/19/2023): Two Movements from Prayers for Peace for soprano and string quartet | 7″ | premiered 2/27/2024 by Elizabeth Shuman and Kontras Quartet

Op. 33 (3/1/2021): Un Diálogo con Lorca (Frederico García Lorca, Karen Poppy, Octavio Quintanilla) for soprano, mezzo-soprano, flute, and guitar | 10′

Op. 34 (10/20/2021): That Interdicted Land: 7 Poems by Emily Dickinson for mezzo-soprano and piano | 18′ | No. 6 Premiered 5/7/2021 by Madison Marie McIntosh and Gregory Ritchey | YouTube

Op. 42 (10/19/2023): Fire From Water (Karen Poppy) for mezzo-soprano and piano | 7′ 

Op. 43 (3/3/2024): Don’t Look: Two Portraits from Antiquity on Original Poems for soprano and piano | 11′ | No. 1 commissioned by the National Association of Teachers of Singing and Cincinnati Song Initiative

Instrumental Duos

Op. 4 (3/18/2013): Nocturne for Oboe and Piano | 5′

Op. 7 (7/14/2015): Sonata for Clarinet and Piano | 11’30” | Soundcloud

Op. 12 (3/8/2016): Sonata for E-flat Trumpet and Piano | 11’30” | Soundcloud

Op. 16 (5/31/2017): Sonata No. 1 for Flute and Piano | 14′ | Soundcloud

Op. 21 (10/1/2018): Sonata No. 2 for Flute and Piano | 13′ | Soundcloud

Op. 29 (5/26/2020): Sonata for Violin and Piano | 13′ | Soundcloud

Op. 41 (6/14/2023): Sonata No. 3 for Flute and Piano | 17′ Soundcloud


Op. 10 (12/22/2015): Say Over Again (E. B. Browning) for mixed choir and piano | 4′

Op. 27 (4/6/2020): In That Infinity of Love (Joseph Small) for mixed choir | 2′

Op. 36 (3/21/2022): What is Penn’d (Anne Bradstreet) for SSAA choir and piano | 4′


Op. 3 (8/16/2012): Nocturne for Orchestra | 7′

Op. 9 (11/17/2015): Nocturne for Flute and String Orchestra | 5′